

April 19, 2014 - Posted In: Uncategorized

Global RESP CEO Removed By Ontario Securities Commission

On January 16, 2013 we posted a blog called Global RESP Rocked by Scandal. In it we reported “Global RESP Corporation, one of the largest Canadian Registered Education Savings Plan providers with 110,000 enrolled children and $460 Million of assets under administration,

April 17, 2014 - Posted In: Uncategorized

Could Your Retirement Plans Be Jeopardized Because of The Cost of Your Child’s Post Secondary Education?

If you’re like many Canadian families, the realities of retirement may be causing a full scale panic, especially if you have university age children. A Leger Marketing survey discovered that:

April 14, 2014 - Posted In: Uncategorized

As Canada’s Housing Market Heads For a Fall, Gen Y Can Only Watch

There have been many predictions that Canada’s housing market is about to take a dive as the Baby Boomers sell their houses. According to a Reuter’s poll:

April 11, 2014 - Posted In: Uncategorized

How is a Rigged Stock Market Going to Affect Your Child’s Financial Future?

Many people are skeptical of the financial system in general, and with good reason considering the financial meltdowns and scandals in recent years. Bernie Madoff’s name became a household word. Now there is more evidence to substantiate claims that the stock market is rigged against you.

April 7, 2014 - Posted In: Uncategorized

Why Aren’t Many Canadian Students Using RESPs?

Although we are bombarded with messaging about RESPs, not many Canadians are using them. This is quite surprising given the high cost of post-secondary education which can amount to $60,000+ for a four-year undergraduate degree. If you have young children now, the costs will most likely more than double by the time […]

April 3, 2014 - Posted In: Uncategorized

Why Some Adults are Denied Life Insurance

Not everyone who applies for life insurance is accepted for coverage. Life insurance companies are not charitable organizations and they will only accept you for coverage if you are deemed a suitable insurance risk which means that the likelihood and magnitude of a payout over the life of the policy is acceptable […]

March 31, 2014 - Posted In: Uncategorized

Why Do the Rich Buy Life Insurance?

Life insurance is a very versatile product, but we don’t often think about it as a necessary element in the portfolios of the rich and famous. A Silicon Valley billionaire has recently taken out $201 million in life insurance. The Guinness World Records, which announced the policy, said it is the largest […]

March 27, 2014 - Posted In: Uncategorized

How Can Your Kids Achieve Their Goals in Life with Student Loans strangling Them?

Student debt is a serious issue in this country. There is a total disconnect between the student loan system and the student. Students don’t think about the consequences of borrowing money. They only know that a student loan (if they qualify) will pay for their education.

March 24, 2014 - Posted In: Uncategorized

Are Your Kids Expecting You to Buy Them a House?

Are your kids paying rent, paying off student loans and saving for a house? That’s an impossible triad in most cities in Canada where home prices have soared 84% in 10 years. Home prices in Canada hit record highs in late 2013, according to the Teranet-National Bank house price index.

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