

In The News: Canada Child Benefit About to Increase

Have you heard?

Families that are entitled to the Canada Child Benefit (CCB) who have children under six years old will be receiving a little bit more money this year!

The last year and a half has been very unpredictable for families – especially ones with young children who have been hit by several additional COVID expenses such as child care and around the house activities. 

In 2021, families can receive up to $1,200 more per child under the age of six.

The first payment was issued on May 28th, 2021, and the final two payments will be issued on July 30 and October 29, 2021.

This additional money can help families pay for child care, food, clothing, etc.

If you are interested in learning more, you can check out these two articles here and here.

Child Plan – the fastest growing alternative to the RESP.

Sample Child Plan™ Cash and Insurance Value Illustration

Based on a Monthly Deposit of $250 per month

Age Accumulated Cash Value Life Insurance Value


$82,568 (Education)



$177,953 (House)



$303,299 (Security)



$834,276 (Retirement)


Sample illustration is for a child under age 1 based on a monthly deposit of $250 for twenty years. There will be no further contributions required after year twenty. The cash and insurance values are based on a dividend interest rate of 6% from a Canadian life insurance company.

Personalize Your Child Plan™

Request a Child Plan™ Illustration and see how much cash value your child will have for their education and for life.

*illustrations are reflective of the annual premium amount

To learn more how Child Plan™ will provide your child with the funds for their future education and financial security for life, book a virtual meeting with a Child Plan™ Advisor.