The average price of a latte is $4.00. Two lattes a day =$8.00. One year of lattes can cost you $2,920.00. For less than the price of 2 lattes a day you can have a $76,000 education fund for your child!
Insurance for Children has a fabulous product, the Child Plan Education Achiever. It will pay for any education program worldwide; not only those approved by the government. In the event that your child doesn’t pursue post secondary education the Child Plan Education Achiever can be used to buy a house, start a business, or as a source of income. It is totally flexible.
The Child Plan ParticipatingLife Plan with a $2,500 annual premium paid over a 20 year term for a child less than 1 year old will provide your child with a $76,903 education fund and a life insurance value of $639,048 at age 21. It can be purchased for a child as early as 14 days of age by parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and legal guardians.
Benefits of the Child Plan Education Achiever
Insurance for Children created Child Plan Education Achiever so that parents can help their children follow their dreams and achieve their goals in life. Contact us today and let’s discuss how for less than the price of 2 lattes a day you can have a $76,000 education fund for your child.