

Category: Uncategorized

January 27, 2022 - Posted In: Financial Planning, Uncategorized

RESP vs TFSA: Which is Better for Child Savings?

This article is brought to you by insurance for children, Canada’s leader in financial planning for children and the creator of Child Plan ™ the fastest growing alternative to the RESP.  As an adult in Canada, you have a variety of options available to you to save for your future. However, investment […]

January 27, 2022 - Posted In: Financial Planning, Uncategorized

What Is The Maximum RESP Contribution In Canada?

This article is brought to you by insurance for children, Canada’s leader in financial planning for children and the creator of Child Plan ™ the fastest growing alternative to the RESP. Year after year, post-secondary education enrollments are steadily increasing. On top of higher enrollments, costs are going up at the same […]

January 4, 2022 - Posted In: Financial Planning, Uncategorized

Saving Money for Your Children – The Ultimate Guide

With adequate planning, parenting does not have to be an expensive affair. Saving money for children as early as possible eases the financial burden. Some people decide to start saving money for their kids, from the day the kids are born. The most important thing is to put some money aside every […]

January 4, 2022 - Posted In: Financial Planning, Uncategorized

Individual vs Family RESP Plans – Which One is The Best and Is The RESP The Best Option?

When it comes to choosing between individual vs family RESP plans, the main difference is usually the number of kids. An individual RESP is an option for families with one child, while family RESP is for people with multiple kids. However at the time you have your first child, do you know […]

January 4, 2022 - Posted In: Financial Planning, Uncategorized

RESP Tax Deduction in Canada: All You Need To Know

Between 2006 and 2021, the annual  cost of undergraduate tuition in Canada has almost doubled, from $4,400 to $6,693. If you consider this outrageous tuition, food, school supplies, and housing, post-secondary education has become very expensive.  But since your child was only recently born, How much is tuition in 2035? If the […]

January 4, 2022 - Posted In: Financial Planning, Uncategorized

CESG: Everything to Know About a Canada Education Savings Grant

As of 2021, the average tuition cost of universities in Canada is $19,948 per year, including tuition, food, housing, and other expenses in 2018 according to Mcleans article. For that reason, the Canadian government has made a point of encouraging parents to start saving for their child’s post-secondary education as early as […]

January 4, 2022 - Posted In: Financial Planning, Uncategorized

Cost of Raising a Child in Canada – How to Plan for Their Future

  The average cost of raising a child in Canada for an average family in Canada is now a staggering $12,000 per year. Since this is just an approximate number, the cost will depend on many factors including your lifestyle, where you choose to live and where you choose to educate them, […]

December 23, 2021 - Posted In: Financial Planning, Uncategorized

Can I Open A TFSA for my Child? What’s the Minimum Age to Open a TFSA?

  Young parents today have it rough. From the mind-blowing unemployment rate, huge student loans they are still paying off years after they graduate, and the highest cost of living to date, it’s no wonder they are having a hard time not only making ends meet but saving for their future and […]

October 20, 2021 - Posted In: Financial Planning, Uncategorized

Giving Your Child The Freedom to Follow Their Dreams

Not all parents are the same. Life would be pretty boring if they were right? However, all parents do have one thing in common. Want to guess what that is? They love their children unconditionally and want them to have a better life than they did. Just like parents – not all […]

September 17, 2021 - Posted In: Financial Advisor, Uncategorized

Why Do Only 17% of Parents Only Know The Basics of RESP?

Canada Life recently conducted a study and surveyed 1510 Canadians.  To no one’s surprise, they found that more than 80% of Canadian parents didn’t even understand the RESP. You Can Learn More Here. The study also concluded that even though 92% of Canadians are aware of RESPs – only 17% said they […]

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