

Category: Financial Planning

Don’t Miss Out On Your Free Canada Child Dental Benefit

Every little bit helps. Child Plan’s mission is helping families provide for their children today and plan for their education and future. It’s a surprise to many that Canada has this great program, but not surprising no one knows about it. The free Canada Child Dental Care benefit for your child application […]

Canada Child Benefits (CCB) Is Now $121,804 Per Child!

  Every little bit helps. In today’s challenging financial world Canada Child Benefits helps families who are facing many financial challenges provide for their children’s needs and future. The Government of Canada announced the new increases to the Canada Child Benefit (CCB) for 2024-25. Below is an outline of the new Canada […]

How Michael Lampel Earned $3.3Million Selling Insurance For Children!

  They say that if you do what you love you will succeed.  Helping families invest for their children’s future became a passion I discovered after having my third child and which led me to earning $3.3Million selling insurance for children, advising parents how to give their children the secure financial future […]

Did The Government of Canada Just Kill The RESP Advisor?

When the Government of Canada began giving parents matching grants for money deposited to an RESP account for their children’s future education, an industry was born and thousands of people chose a career as an RESP advisor. Everything was fantastic for twenty years. Thousands of advisors built their entire career just selling […]

Canada Canceling Student Loan Interest!

Every little bit helps. On Thursday, November 3, 2022 the Canadian Government confirmed plans to cancel interest on all new federal student loans and apprentice loans, as well as student loans already currently being paid back. Canadians already pay $556 Million a year in interest on student loans. In other words, Canadians […]

What is an RESP? How Does the RESP Work?

Is The RESP A Government Program? RESP is also called Registered Education Savings Plan, is a tax-deferred savings account for a child’s future education. Your RESP deposit is matched 20% by the Canadian government up to the year your child turns 18th. Anyone can open and deposit to an RESP (parents, grandparents, […]

68% Of Canadian Parents Worry Their Children Will Be Worse Off Financially Than Them!!!

If you think things are difficult financially for you today, how will your children fare in the future? A 2021 Pew Research Poll conducted found that of 17 countries polled, 64% of parents believe their children will be worse off financially than they are. Canada ranked sixth among the 17 countries, with […]

Is the RESP an Education Savings Plan, or Government Program That Limits Our Children’s Futures?

When we have children our previous lives end and our new lives begin. From the day they’re born we love them, care for them, want them to be happy all the time and dream of the life they will have and how we’re going to help them live up to their full […]

June 17, 2022 - Posted In: Financial Advisor, Financial Planning, Insurance, Parents

What are parents prepared to do for their children? Everything!

Insuranceforchildren.ca presents a special webinar on Child Plan affiliate advisor marketing program and how selling insurance for children builds you into their trusted family advisor for life. In 2020 Canadian parents gave their children over $10 Billion to buy their first homes. Click HERE to read more. According to a recent study, […]

April 25, 2022 - Posted In: Financial Planning, Uncategorized

Top 3 reasons The RESP is no longer relevant for your child’s future education

This article is brought to you by Insurance for Children, Canada’s leader in financial planning for children and the creator of Child Plan ™ the fastest growing alternative to the RESP. When you went to university or college, did you ever think one day your child will want to learn a trade […]

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Create your Child Plan™ Illustration and see how much cash value your child will have for their education and for life.

To learn more how Child Plan™ will provide your child with the funds for their future education and financial security for life, book a virtual meeting with a Child Plan™ Advisor.