

Category: Millenial

How Michael Lampel Earned $3.3Million Selling Insurance For Children!

  They say that if you do what you love you will succeed.  Helping families invest for their children’s future became a passion I discovered after having my third child and which led me to earning $3.3Million selling insurance for children, advising parents how to give their children the secure financial future […]

April 5, 2023 - Posted In: Insurance, Millenial, Parents, RESP, TFSA

What does Chat GPT think of Child Plan™?

A Child Plan™ is a type of life insurance policy that combines life insurance with a savings component to provide both protection and savings for your child’s future needs. Here are some benefits of a Child Plan™: Flexibility A Child Plan™ offers more flexibility than an RESP in terms of how the […]

Canada Canceling Student Loan Interest!

Every little bit helps. On Thursday, November 3, 2022 the Canadian Government confirmed plans to cancel interest on all new federal student loans and apprentice loans, as well as student loans already currently being paid back. Canadians already pay $556 Million a year in interest on student loans. In other words, Canadians […]

Government of Ontario will give parents up to $250 per child To Catch Up

Ontario Education Minister Stephen Lecce announces parents can receive between $200 or $250 per child to help offset the cost of catching up in school after two years of disrupted learning. Starting Thursday, parents with children up to 18 years old can apply at https://www.ontario.ca/page/catch-up-payments for $200, while parents with school-aged children […]

October 21, 2022 - Posted In: Insurance, Millenial, Parents, RESP, TFSA

How to use your Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA) as your Child’s Education Savings Plan

What’s a Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA) A Tax-Free Savings Account is a Canadian government registered account available to all Canadians over the age of 18. Started in 2009, contributors (depositors) are permitted to deposit a government set amount of money every year into their TFSA account. The amount of the annual […]

What is an RESP? How Does the RESP Work?

Is The RESP A Government Program? RESP is also called Registered Education Savings Plan, is a tax-deferred savings account for a child’s future education. Your RESP deposit is matched 20% by the Canadian government up to the year your child turns 18th. Anyone can open and deposit to an RESP (parents, grandparents, […]

68% Of Canadian Parents Worry Their Children Will Be Worse Off Financially Than Them!!!

If you think things are difficult financially for you today, how will your children fare in the future? A 2021 Pew Research Poll conducted found that of 17 countries polled, 64% of parents believe their children will be worse off financially than they are. Canada ranked sixth among the 17 countries, with […]

June 14, 2021 - Posted In: Financial Planning, Millenial, Parents, RESP

Is The RESP Outdated?

Millennial Parents’ Guide to Financial Planning Is the RESP outdated? Will it actually be able to help our children 18 years from now? Both excellent questions and we are so glad you asked.  Let’s go Back in Time The RESP started back in 1972 and was used to help parents save money […]

May 19, 2018 - Posted In: Financial Planning, Millenial, Parents, RESP

Canada’s Child Benefit vs. RESP: Which is better for my child’s future?

Millennial Parents Guide To Financial Planning For Children The average Canadian family with two kids will get about $200 more next year and about $500 more in 2019 through the Canada Child Benefit (CCB). And that’s just one advantage. _____ The recent increase in the CCB was a welcomed gift to families […]

August 28, 2017 - Posted In: Financial Planning, Millenial, Parents, RESP

Banks Push RESP to Get you Hooked

You’d think the 2008–2009 debacle would’ve shaken some sense into the country’s money people. You’d think it would’ve forced them to question everything they do. You’d think they’d see that the same old way was clearly not the way. And you’d think they’d have started with probably the most important issue we […]

Personalize Your Child Plan™

Create your Child Plan™ Illustration and see how much cash value your child will have for their education and for life.

To learn more how Child Plan™ will provide your child with the funds for their future education and financial security for life, book a virtual meeting with a Child Plan™ Advisor.